I met her today and I can ensure you that she is a very good looking woman with a top model’s face. I straightforwardly enjoyed her company from the beginning to the end. She is very well-mannered, smart, sophisticated, and she has an interesting personality that made me feel at ease. It is more than a mere rendezvous, it is an unexplainable and pleasurable emotional experience. I thought I was in seventh heaven at certain moment. You truly deserve happiness Karmen. It would be very nice to see you again.
The Boston Legal's fan
J’ai passé un très, très bon moment avec une fille superbe, peut-être un peu plus voluptueuse que ces photos ne pourraient le laisser penser, qui vous regarde dans les yeux et vous couvre de FK, expérience à renouveler dès que possible. Merci karmen pour ces instants inoubliable passé en ta compagnie et gros bisou.